FSC paper vs 100% recycled

Here at Bright Green, we are committed to working in a sustainable manner both internally and externally with our network of printers. With the strong focus on climate change and commitments being made to help the environment, we have a lot of clients that request 100% recycled paper for their print campaigns.
But what is the difference between 100% recycled paper and FSC paper? How do you know which one is better for the environment? There has been evidence reported that 100% recycled paper isn’t as good for the environment as FSC paper which is from sustainable forests. So what are they, are they the same thing and if not, what are the differences?
What is FSC paper?
The FSC is the Forestry Stewardship Council. FSC paper is a global system of showing that the paper used came from a sustainable source.
The FSC is a non-profit global organisation that certifies forests all over the world to ensure they meet environmental and social standards. This gives consumers an easily identifiable logo on paper and wood products so that they know the paper has been made from trees that were responsibly managed. While this still means that trees were grown purely for the purpose of pulping down into paper, it has been managed to FSC standards.
The FSC have 3 categories for their paper;
FSC 100% – which means 100% of the paper within the product comes from FSC certified forests
FSC Recycled – the paper within the product comes from reused or reclaimed materials
FSC Mix – the paper within the product is sourced from recycled materials, FSC certified or controlled forests. Controlled forests do not mean that they’re FSC certified
What is recycled paper?
Bascially, recycled paper is old paper that has been reproduced into new paper. But it’s not quite that simple.
The challenge with recycled paper is knowing what the definition of ‘recycled’ is. How much content needs to be recycled to qualify? Unfortunately, there seems to be no set standard for what defines paper as being recycled. It’s important to note that recycled paper can be FSC certified but it doesn’t always necessarily mean that – in fact 90% of the paper doesn’t have to have actual recycled materials in it in order to be classified as recycled.
If the content is not 100% recycled material then it’s important to understand what the balance consists of. Is 100% virgin FSC paper better than a mixture of 50% recycled/50% virgin non-FSC paper? The FSC Recycled label guarantees that the paper has at least 70% post-consumer reclaimed materials. However, the label doesn’t guarantee that the recycled paper is originally from an FSC certified forest.
These are challenging questions and the choice may well come down to client preference.
Demand for paper will likely always outstrip the ability to make recycled paper, so virgin paper stock will always be needed and FSC paper ensures it is responsibly and sustainably produced. Which is why major manufacturers adhere to the FSC standards.
Here at Bright Green, we pride ourselves on working with sustainable print companies, providing sustainable print solutions and we will always recommend the right sustainable print solution for you. Using both FSC and FSC recycled materials are an effective way of sourcing paper responsibly and through recommending the use of both, we are ensuring we’re running an eco-friendly business.